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Debunking Common Fitness Myths: Science-Based Facts


Debunking Common Fitness Myths: Science-Based Facts

In the age of social media and instant information, fitness myths can spread faster than ever. At REPS Movement, we believe in evidence-based approaches to health and fitness. Let's separate fact from fiction and explore some common fitness myths that might be holding you back from achieving your goals.


Myth #1: "All Pain is Bad Pain"

The Myth: Any pain or discomfort during exercise means you're causing damage and should stop completely.
The Truth: While it's important to be cautious about pain, not all discomfort during exercise is harmful. There's a significant difference between the normal challenges of physical activity and potentially harmful pain. Learning to distinguish between them is crucial for maintaining an active, healthy lifestyle.
What We Know:
  • Some muscle fatigue or mild discomfort during exercise can be normal
  • Sharp, sudden, or severe pain should always be addressed
  • Existing conditions may cause varying levels of discomfort that can be safely worked around
  • Proper form and gradual progression can minimise unnecessary discomfort
What We Recommend: 
At REPS Movement, we:
  1. Take time to understand your individual condition and pain history
  2. Teach you to recognise the difference between harmful pain and normal exercise sensations
  3. Design programs that work within your comfort level while still being effective
  4. Gradually progress exercises as your body adapts and becomes stronger
  5. Modify movements when needed to accommodate existing conditions
Remember, the goal isn't to avoid all discomfort, but to exercise safely and effectively within your body's capabilities. With proper guidance and technique, you can stay active and achieve your health goals while managing any existing conditions.

Myth #2: "Lifting Weights Makes Women Bulky"

The Myth: Women should avoid weight training because they'll develop large, bulky muscles.
The Truth: Women typically lack the testosterone levels required for significant muscle bulk. Strength training helps women build lean muscle mass, increase bone density, and improve overall health and fitness.
Expert Insight: Our exercise physiologists emphasise that strength training is essential for women's health, particularly for maintaining bone density as they age.

Myth #3: "You Must Exercise Every Day"

The Myth: Daily intense workouts are necessary for fitness results.
The Truth: Rest and recovery are crucial components of any fitness program. Your body needs time to repair and adapt to the stress of exercise.
The REPS Approach: We recommend 3-4 quality training sessions per week for most clients, with adequate rest between sessions. This balance optimises results while preventing burnout and injury.

New Team Member Announcement: Welcome to Our New Remedial Massage Therapist!

We are excited to announce that An-Gie will be joining our team as our new remedial massage therapist, available every Wednesday starting this week!
About An-Gie:
An-Gie is a dedicated professional who has completed her Diploma of Remedial Massage at Demi International on the Sunshine Coast. She brings expertise in various massage techniques, specialising in:

  • Swedish massage
  • Relaxation therapy
  • Remedial deep tissue massage
  • Trigger point therapy

Driven by her passion for helping people reduce pain and improve their overall well-being, An-Gie is committed to providing high-quality, personalised massage therapy to our clients.

  • Every Wednesday
  • Bookings now open

Whether you're looking to complement your current exercise physiology program or simply want to experience the benefits of professional massage therapy, An-Gie is here to support your wellness journey.
To book a session with An-Gie or learn more about our massage therapy services, please contact our front desk on 9319 8355.
We're thrilled to expand our services and provide you with more options for your health and wellness needs. Welcome to the team, An-Gie!

Myth #4: "Spot Reduction is Possible"

The Myth: You can target fat loss in specific areas of your body through focused exercises.
The Truth: Fat loss occurs throughout the body and is primarily influenced by overall calorie balance and genetics. While you can tone specific muscle groups, you cannot selectively reduce fat in particular areas.
Scientific Evidence: Studies consistently show that spot reduction is a myth. A comprehensive approach to fitness, including both cardio and strength training, is most effective for overall fat loss.

Myth #5: "All Stretching is Equally Beneficial for Pain Management"

The Myth: Static stretching is always the best solution for managing chronic pain and preventing injury flare-ups.
The Truth: The effectiveness of stretching varies greatly depending on individual conditions, the type of pain, and when the stretching is performed. While some people may find relief through static stretching, others might actually exacerbate their condition.
What We Recommend: At REPS Movement, we take an individualised approach to movement and pain management. Our exercise physiologists assess each client's specific condition and design appropriate movement strategies that may include:

  • Targeted mobility exercises
  • Gentle dynamic movements
  • Gradual strength building
  • Movement pattern retraining

We focus on evidence-based techniques that help manage chronic conditions while promoting overall function and quality of life. Our goal is to help you move better, feel better, and achieve sustainable pain management through properly prescribed exercise.

The Bottom Line

Fitness is a journey, and it's important to base your approach on scientific evidence rather than popular myths. At REPS Movement, we're committed to providing our community with accurate, proven methods for achieving their fitness goals.

Ready to Start Your Evidence-Based Fitness Journey?

Book a consultation with our team to discover how we can help you achieve your fitness goals the right way. Book in an appointment with one of eperienced exercise physiologists or visit our website to learn more.

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